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Adding plants to your living spaces has become a trendy way to ensure that you’re breathing the freshest, cleanest air. But can greenery actually purify your indoor air? It turns out that this might not be the best approach to reducing air pollutants in your home or office.

Plant Studies and Popular Perception

NASA conducted a study in the 1980s to determine whether green plants could improve air quality in closed living spaces, such as space stations. The results were promising, and the idea took off as an easy, beautiful way to purify home and office air as well. Proponents suggested that pot mums, peace lilies, and other plants could effectively remove chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde from everyday environments.

Reality of Houseplants’ Cleaning Power

Experts today are cautioning homeowners against relying on houseplants as their primary air-purification system. Although plants do filter some chemicals, you’d need an enormous concentration of them to truly improve your indoor environments.

Unlike a lab or a space station, homes and offices aren’t sealed spaces. Every time that a door or a window opens, you let in a new batch of air. Houseplants aren’t able to keep up with that sort of demand.

Growing indoor plants is still a valuable exercise. They’re beautiful to look at and may improve your mood as well. Studies indicate that seeing greenery on a regular basis can be beneficial for your mental health. Just don’t rely on them to keep your air perfectly fresh and clean.

Better Tips for Indoor Air Quality

Instead of using plants as your primary air purifier, consult the pros about indoor air quality systems. Changing your furnace filter regularly is a simple step you can take for better indoor air. Faught Service Company from Austin, Texas, can help you. We may also suggest cleaning your ducts, installing a whole-home humidifier, or setting up a UV treatment system.

Faught Service Company offers air conditioner and furnace repair as well as duct replacement. Call today to inquire about indoor air quality or other services.