Serving Austin and the Surrounding Areas
Austin: 512-402-8886 | Georgetown: 512-686-5282

Whether you own a central heating unit, heat pump, mini-split or furnace, it will be working overtime this winter. This means higher energy bills. However, you can take steps to keep those costs down. The following are just some of the most basic tips.

Sealing Cracks and Holes

Cracks in your doors and windows will let the warm air out sooner than you would like. You can seal these cracks with caulking from outside or with foam tape from inside. Any gaps in your furnace should be sealed, too, to improve energy efficiency.

Upgrading or Adding Insulation

Every home ought to have insulation in the attic and in the wall cavities, so you’ll first want to check if yours contains it. If there is insulation, consider replacing it with insulation of a higher R-value: that is, with a higher level of resistance to conductive heat flow.

At Faught Service Company, we can perform energy analyses for homeowners throughout Austin and Georgetown, TX. Our technicians will let you know what type of insulation you have, how thick it is and what its R-value is. Based on these factors, we might recommend adding or upgrading the insulation.

Using a Programmable Thermostat

By adjusting the times when your heating unit turns on, you can prevent it from heating your home unnecessarily. With a smart thermostat, you can even turn the system on via remote access so that it warms your home before, say, you return from an outing.

Getting Heating Maintenance

While your home may be efficient, your comfort unit could be wasting energy. If you have a professional maintain the unit, however, it will be kept free from issues that compromise performance.

Call Our Locally Owned Company

If you need heating maintenance, repairs or replacement in Austin, you can turn to Faught Service Company. We work on AC units, too. You could also ask about the air filtration and purification systems we carry. Call today to get the high-quality service of a locally owned, BBB-accredited company.