Serving Austin and the Surrounding Areas
Austin: 512-402-8886 | Georgetown: 512-686-5282

The experts at Faught Service Company are best known for their work with the heating and cooling systems of Austin homes. However, our staff knows that temperature is only one piece of the home comfort puzzle. For complete home comfort, you also need to consider the cleanliness of your air. If the air in your home is not clean, it can have serious effects on your health.

Common Impurities

When the sun shines through a window, you may see dust particles that are floating in the air of your home. Larger irritants like dirt, dust and pet dander can be seen by the naked eye under the right conditions. Many of the impurities in your home are too small to see. Seasonal pollen and mold spores are often floating around. If someone has a cold or other illness, viruses and bacteria may be in the mix. When you use common household cleaning and beauty products, you release molecular impurities into the atmosphere.

Sign of Poor Air Quality

You may not be able to see everything, but there are common health issues that are signs of impure air. Pollen, dust mites and mold spores can cause allergic reactions like a runny nose or scratchy throat. They can also trigger respiratory issues for people with asthma. High levels of volatile organic compounds can lead to headaches, nausea and trouble sleeping. Pay attention when you have these symptoms. If you find they dissipate when you leave the house for a few days, unclean air may be the culprit.

Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Home comfort specialists like those at Faught Service Company have professional solutions that can provide relief. Installing a HEPA filter in your home comfort system can remove large amounts of common irritants. An air purifier will break down many of the organic compounds that float in the air. When that system includes UV lights, it can also remove the microorganisms that cause common illnesses.

Our staff members are ready and waiting to handle your heating, cooling and indoor air quality concerns. We have years of experience at keeping Austin homes comfortable in every season. Contact Faught Service Company today for more information.