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If you would like to maintain the right temperatures in your home, it is vital to invest in the right-sized air conditioning unit for your living space. You need to consider your home’s square footage before deciding to purchase an HVAC unit. When buying a new AC, you will notice that many sellers advertise the units based on specific BTUs per hour. People without an HVAC background may not know what this measurement unit stands for and what it means for their living space.

You need to understand what this measurement means to help you make a good decision when buying your next AC system. Without a sound knowledge of this measurement unit, you can make a purchase that’ll cost you a lot in the long term. Continue reading to learn more about BTUs and what this unit of measurement means for your air conditioning unit.

Air Conditioner BTUs Explained

BTUs stand for British thermal units. It refers to a standard unit of measurement for energy. This measurement unit is used to determine the amount of energy used to raise a pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. Other industries use the joule to calculate these numbers. However, most often, BTUs are used when dealing with air conditioners and furnaces.

A cooling and heating unit’s BTU rating indicates the amount of energy an air conditioning unit utilizes to remove heat or a furnace utilizes to produce heat. It also acts as a measure of the amount of heat generated by the unit that makes it into your house. The BTU rating determines the amount of energy used to eliminate heat from your indoor air when it comes to AC systems. BTUs are also a significant element of your cooling unit tonnage, another heat removal measure.

The number of BTUs in a specific cooling or heating system directly correlates with that unit’s heating and cooling capacity. Utilizing BTUs as the measuring stick when buying an AC unit can easily help you differentiate the actual capacity of other similar systems. Purchasing an air conditioning system with the right BTUs for your residential property can help you boost the system’s performance to suit your needs.

Sizing Your Air Conditioning Unit

Choosing an air conditioning system that meets the minimum BTU requirements doesn’t mean you are in the clear just yet. Buying an AC system that’s too big for your square footage is just as bad as investing in a relatively small unit. A small system will run continuously without cooling your home adequately. That will increase your energy bills, and the unit might burn out within a short time.

On the other hand, an extremely large unit will cost you more to purchase, and it’ll cycle off and on regularly and for short durations. As a result, it will have problems minimizing humidity.

To get the right-sized system, you need to select an air conditioning unit with a BTU measurement of 20 per each square foot in your home. The number of people living in your home and the ceiling height also play a vital role when determining the size of the HVAC unit. Consider adding around 600 BTUs for every person above 2 who shares your living space.

The Number of Air Conditioners You Need

If you are utilizing a central air unit for cooling and heating, you only need a single system. However, it would be best to have appropriate zoning and dampers to direct the cooled air where it’s needed most. If you welcome more individuals to your home, window and wall units are a good alternative. Nonetheless, you will need one unit for each room your family spends lots of their time in.

Work With a Professional Cooling Company

The BTU requirements for your living space will depend on your home’s size, ceiling height, insulation quality, and other factors. When determining the right-sized air conditioning unit for your space, a thorough HVAC inspection can be a good place to begin. However, if you are struggling to figure out the BTU measurements on a new AC, Faught Service Company can help you select the right-sized unit for your home. Our NATE-certified technicians will also install the system and create a suitable maintenance program to keep the air conditioning unit working efficiently throughout the year.

If you reside in Austin, TX, and its environs, we also offer cooling and heating services, mini-split installations, air quality tests, and maintenance plans. Give us a call now to schedule your appointment.